MPUSD Celebrates Years of Service

Writer Annie Dillard in her book The Writing Life famously said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Most employees spend most of their waking hours at work. Research indicates the average person will spend approximately one-third of their life or 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median number of years that employees have worked for their current employer is currently 4.1 years. This statistic, however, varies by age and occupation, and the median tenure for workers ages 25 to 34 years of age is 2.8 years.
We extend a heartfelt congratulations to 185 MPUSD employees who surpassed the median number of years at an organization and reached a milestone year in the school district - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years. 
The years of service recognition program is fairly new and began four years ago. The criteria to calculate years of service is the employees start date with the cutoff date of June 30 each year. Each year in the month of June, the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District honors employees years of service with a certificate of recognition and years of service pin to commemorate their commitment to the district, their school or department, and ultimately to the students and families on the peninsula.
Years of service awards or service awards celebrate the tenure of MPUSD employees who have worked with the district for a considerable amount of time beginning with recognizing the five year mark. It is an honor to commemorate the work anniversaries or years of services for MPUSD teachers and staff.
Join us in congratulating the following individuals who have committed to serving students and families in the communities of Marina, Monterey, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks and Sand City.
30 Years of Service
Judith Baca
Janet Monger
Edward Standifer, Jr.
25 Years of Service
Susan Kolonics
Judy Kuwatani
Karen Lidl
Georgiana Lopez
Isai Ogarrio-Martinez
Stacey Shelton-Farmer
Francine Stewart
Kelly Tongamana
Catherine White
20 Years of Service
Waldemar Aguirre
Maria Aquino
Mercedes Awity
Midori Collins
Desiree Heres
Gladys Jimenez
Sarah Lester Guzman
Maria Maldonado Morales
Irma Morales
Gerardo Mundo
Felipe Oviedo Ramirez
Brian Petersen, Sr.
Patricia Ramirez
Rachel Riddell
Pamela Rivers
15 Years of Service
Desiree Albert
Consuelo Avila
Gioconda Betancour
Catalina Bojorquez-Baker
Ellen Brown
Araceli Cortez
Aine Daly
Martha Daz
Imelda Diaz
Ryan Dodge
L Janeese Duke
Heather Fairman
Doreen Gray
Rachelle Guiott
Joanna Guzman
Magali Hoisington
Greta Huang
Kimberly Jimenez
Anthony Klevan
Allison Leleua
Anne Madden
Donna Manuel
Richard Mayhew
Linda Melendrez
Tonya Miller
Mariana Monge
Danielle Moody
Kathryn Panzetta
Regina Rainer
Joan Sebolino
Beatriz Shudoma
Christina Smith
Keenan St. John
Yenny Supiarni
Jesse Tamayo
Tom Thibault
Beth Wodecki
10 Years of Service
Joseph Aleru
Deedee Aquino
Zev Axelrod
Justin Brooks
Ramiro Castillo Tiscareno
Erin Costello
Alan Crawford
Julia Crocker
Luz Estrada
Gwendolyn Fairley
Jenny Farr
Jorge Favela, Jr.
Celia Feldman
Myleka Garnett
Victoria Hart
Glen Hensley, Jr.
Patrick Kosta
Kim Kradle
Steven Mancha
Maria Mendoza Galarza
Michael Miller, Jr.
Angela Olson
Angelica Roa
Erik Ruggiero
Vicente Santos
Vicki Schumacher
Thomas Shultz
Linda Torre
Nichole Vera
Alicia Welch
Victoria Wilson
Brian Wood
5 Years of Service
Jose Alejandro Aguilera
Juan Aguillon
Regan Albee
Noemi Alonzo
Stephanie Amberg
Oscar Arreguin
Kristin Bacina
Ursula Bahena
Deanna Basso
Leslie Barrow
Theus Begay
Angela Bolanos
Melissa Bravo
Mary Bunch
Carrianna Burley
Raquel Camberos
Yesenia Campa Garcia
Gabriela Corral
Chanelle Cecchi
David Correia, Jr.
Jessica DeGroot
Christopher Del Rosario
Lisa DiMaggio
Shari Dizon
Wendi Everett
Miranda Finell
Monica Flores
Valerie Frint
Tiffany Garcia
Christopher Gilliard
Araceli Gomez
Jennifer Gorman
Sean Graham
Jason Green
Colin Grothe
Isaac Guereque
Laura Hayes
Yulleivy Hernandez
Kelly Hertlein
Linnea Hoffmann
Matthew Holmes
Jennifer Ibarra
Jacqueline Lautzenhiser
Andrea Maldonado
Rachel Massey
Sean McDonald
Wendy McDonald
Victoria McKay
Lauren McMercury
Madelaine McSorley
Noelia Moya
Ruby Murillo-Velasquez
Dianna Myers
Priscilla Ogarrio-Manzo
Laura Pekarcik
Brenda Perez Reyes
Jeffrey Perrine
Kristina Phongprateep
Matthew John Rohlfes
Luis Sanabia
Roseann Sanchez
Kelly Santoro
Eduardo Schulz
Victoria Schwirzke
Susan Singer
Joshni Singh
Elizabeth Solano
Christian Sousa
George Sowl
Stephanie Spross
Katelyn Stetler
Leila Stoke
Richee Stubblefield
Maria Tamayo
Cristina Torres
Nicholas True
Candace Vaughn
Kimberly Volstorff
Christine Wheeler
Caitlyn Williams
Ryan Williston
Kim Wilson
Laura Wolsfold
Nora Zimmerman