Research shows that parent, guardian, and caregiver involvement in a child’s education can lead to better academic outcomes, improved attendance, and higher graduation rates.
Parent-teacher conferences is just one example of how parents, guardians, or caregivers can get involved in their child’s education. Conferences are a vital experience and wonderful opportunity to meet with a child’s teacher to learn about a student’s academic progress, social development, and overall performance in school. Discussions around academic progress and growth are based on classroom observations, testing data, assessments, portfolios, and assignments. Teachers also learn from parents, guardians, or caregivers, as well, so they are informed about a student’s strengths, needs, behaviors, and learning styles.
Conferences can also help strengthen relationships with individual families and further support student learning. They provide an opportunity to supplement the casual, daily conversations that teachers may have with families by providing more comprehensive information about a student’s progress and allowing time for deep conversation.
In recent years, many Monterey Peninsula Unified School District schools have conducted student-led conferences, where the student shares their portfolio of work and discusses progress with family members. These types of conferences allow students to advocate for their own learning, demonstrate responsibility for their academic performance, encourage students to reflect on their abilities and achievements, as well as help them develop skills they can use beyond school.
MPUSD's three comprehensive high schools will hold parent/teacher/student conferences February 25 - 27, 2025. Look for information coming soon from each high school. Students will release at 2:20 p.m.
Look for information coming soon from each high school on how your child's parent-teacher conference will be conducted.