MPUSD Family Support Programs: Spring 2025 Course Offerings
PIQE: Signature Family Program (Course in English and Spanish serving only Marina Vista families)
Start: Jan 14-Feb 25th (Once a week for 8 weeks, every Tuesday)
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Marina Vista Elementary Arts Academy, Cafeteria
390 Carmel Ave., Marina, CA 93933
Abriendo Puertas Program (Spanish only)
Start: Jan 16-Feb 27 (Once a week for 8 weeks, every Thursday)
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Ord Terrace Elementary, Room 22
1755 La Salle Ave., Seaside, CA 93955
PIQE: Family Bridge to College (English and Spanish)
Start: Jan 22nd-Feb 12th (Once a week for 4 weeks, every Wednesday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm or up until 8pm
Location: Seaside High School, Makerspace
2200 Noche Buena St., Seaside, CA 93955
Watch to learn more about this course/Mire para obtener más información sobre este curso
Harmony at Home: Children's 1st Program (Spanish only)
Start: Feb 19-Feb 28 (Once a week for 2 weeks, every Wednesday)
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: DLAMP
PIQE: Social Emotional Learning (English and Spanish)
Start: March 31-May 19 (Once a week for 8 weeks, every Monday)
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Seaside Middle School
Opening Doors Program (English only)
Start: April 1st-May 20th (Once a week for 8 weeks, every Thursday)
Time: 6:00-8:00 pm
Location: Monte Vista TK-8
Cara y Corazòn Program (Spanish only)
Start: April 2nd-May 21 (Once a week for 8 weeks, every Wednesday)
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: DLAMP
Harmony at Home: Bullying Prevention (Spanish only)
Start: April 17th-April 24th (Once a week for 2 weeks, every Thursday)
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm or up until 8pm
Location: Seaside Middle School
Harmony at Home: Bullying Prevention (English only)
Start: May 6th-May 13th (Once a week for 2 weeks, every Tuesday)
Time: 6:00-7:30pm or up until 8pm
Location: Los Arboles Middle School
Learn More About Our Programs
At MPUSD, we aim to work closely with all of our families to ensure the educational success, health and well-being of each student we serve.
By making personal connections with parents and family members, we hope to build strong relationships to help each student succeed.
Our district offers educational and bonding workshops for families through our Family and Community Engagement efforts.
Abriendo Puertas (Opening Doors): Centered in cultural values, strengths, and experiences of parents/families with children ages 0-5 years old. The course focuses on early childhood development to prepare them for success in school.
PIQE Family Bridge to College: This program supports high school families by focusing on how families can best support their children as they transition to college. Topics such as: Information on financial aid, college/university life can be (social emotional support), preparing and supporting students college career.
Cara y Corazón (Face & Heart): Centered in cultural healing, strengthens family relationship, build on cultural integrity of the parents/families background while guiding them to collectively support one another as they raise their children.
Harmony at Home (Children's 1st and Bullying Prevention): The Children's 1st program supports parents and children as they transition through the difficult process of divorce or separation, offering a safe environment to navigate the complexities of this potentially traumatic experience. This program supports families with children who are age 5 to 18.
Bullying prevention promotes a safe and positive learning environment for children, teens, parents, educators, and community partners in Monterey County.
En MPUSD, nuestro objetivo es trabajar en colaboración con todas nuestras familias para garantizar el éxito educativo, la salud y el bienestar de cada estudiante al que servimos.
Al hacer conexiones personales con los padres y miembros de la familia, esperamos construir relaciones sólidas para ayudar a que cada estudiante tenga éxito.
Nuestro distrito ofrece talleres educativos y brinda conexiones para familias a través de nuestros esfuerzos de participación familiar y comunitaria.
Abriendo Puertas: centrado en valores culturales, fortalezas y experiencias de padres o familias con niños de 0 a 5 años. El curso se enfoca en el desarrollo de la primera infancia para prepararlos para el éxito en la escuela.
PIQE: Puente Familiar a La Universidad: Este programa apoya a las familias de la escuela secundaria centrándose en cómo las familias pueden apoyar mejor a sus hijos en su transición a la universidad. Temas como: información sobre ayuda financiera, la vida de universitario/colegial (apoyo socioemocional), preparación y apoyo a la carrera universitaria de los estudiantes.
Cara y Corazón: Centrado en la curación cultural, fortalece la relación familiar, se basa en la integridad cultural de los antecedentes de los padres/familias mientras los guía para que se apoyen colectivamente mientras crían a sus hijos.
Harmony at Home (Children's 1st y Prevención del Acoso Escolar): El programa children 1st apoya a padres e hijos en su transición a través del difícil proceso de divorcio o separación, ofreciendo un entorno seguro para navegar por las complejidades de esta experiencia potencialmente traumática. Este programa apoya a familias con niños de 5 a 18 años.
El programa de Prevención del Acoso Escolar promueve un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y positivo para niños, adolescentes, padres, educadores y socios comunitarios en el condado de Monterey.
District Contact
Janelle Garcia
District Family & Community Engagement Coordinator