Why MPUSD » Hailey Rippee: 'I like that we have art and music'

Hailey Rippee: 'I like that we have art and music'

Hailey Rippee PhotHailey Rippee

6th Grade (interviewed during 5th grade)

JC Crumpton Elementary School

Hailey Rippee, a sixth-grader at JC Crumpton Elementary School, reminisces about her journey from kindergarten to the brink of middle school. With a contagious enthusiasm for learning, Hailey recently reflected on her fondest memories and favorite activities at Crumpton Elementary.

Thinking back to her early days in Ms. McCourt's kindergarten class, she remembers a field trip to the San Jose Tech Museum and the Color Run. “I think that is one of my favorite memories (the fun run)”, says Hailey.

As she has grown older, Hailey has found her stride in extracurricular activities like band and choir. She participated in choir in fourth grade and recently took up band and orchestra. “Music is more fun together than by yourself,” she says. “It is one of the most fun activities here. I like that we have art and music as subjects (at Crumpton).

Art and music aren't her only passions, Hailey lights up when discussing her love for writing and reading. “I like writing - it’s always fun to come up with a story,” she explains. “I just feel like it brings my imagination to life more.”

Outside of school, Hailey's schedule is packed with sports. Softball is a big part of her life as is soccer. During the summer months she finds herself participating in tournaments, including all star games. Looking to summer, Hailey isn't sure what this summer will bring, but she knows one thing for certain: "I miss school during summer because I miss my friends," she admits. 

As Hailey prepares for sixth grade, her excitement is palpable. She cannot wait to see what the upcoming school year at JC Crumpton year holds.