Substance Use Prevention » Substance Use Prevention Assembly: High School

Substance Use Prevention Assembly: High School

The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District is working with community partners to give students and parents access to helpful, potentially life-saving information about the risks of substance use for pre-teens, teens, and young adults.

During assemblies on Friday, February 2, 2024 at Monterey High School, students at every grade level were given the opportunity to hear from Dr. Casey Grover, specializing in addiction and emergency medicine at Montage Health. Dr. Grover is sharing the Prescribe Safe presentation at schools and agencies across Monterey County and has visited other schools within MPUSD.

All high school and middle school students either have received or will receive information on substance use prevention this school year.

To watch the entire presentation from Dr. Grover, please click below.

The hour-long assembly covered three main topics for students including: Alcohol use, vaping, and how illegally-manufactured fentanyl is showing up in fake prescription medication.


Dr. Grover also gave a brief demonstration on how to use naloxone, a nasal spray that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose in seconds. Students were also offered a waiver to access free doses of naloxone if they wanted it in case of an emergency.